Sunday, July 15, 2007

Video is the Future

With the advent of YouTube and new streaming technologies, the future of online video is here. Many dental marketers are embracing this new digital channel and generating more interest and response to their products than ever before. The ability to create full length commercial videos, webinars and product animations allows the dental professional to practically touch and feel your product. The trust and comfort level that is achieved through video is unrivaled. Response rates skyrocket with the presentation of products through video. For more information and samples of some groundbreaking videos visit the dentalcompare video archive

Targeted, Responsive

Recently, a dental marketer came to us looking to target periodontists, oral surgeons and general dentists doing implants. Because we can be targeted and selective with our opt-in email list, we broke things down and determined that out of our 13k opt-in recipients about 7,700 would fall into these categories. Our ability to be selective and target the right audience for this company was a major sense of relief for this marketer. Instead of blasting random dental offices with direct mail that would hit the wrong person or worse just end up in the garbage we were able to find the right solution for this previously unsatisfied marketer. Right now we are seeing 5-12% response rate on our opt-ins. Hard to beat this one-two marketing combination of targeting and response.

Your SEO On Steroids

With a simple product listing on Dentalcompare, all your products are listed with information request forms and links directly to the products on your site. These "links in" to your site will drive your search engine optimization way up. Google's number one indicator for page relevancy are "links in" to your site. Type this into Google-- LINK TO: --and see that we have 56k links in to our site. You can also do this with your own site, just type LINK TO: your url and view the number at the top right of the page. And "links in" from notable, industry leading sites are even more important. Because Dentalcompare's site is so optimized and valued by Google (do a product search on some major dental products and you will see how high our rankings are) our links to your site are even more valuable. If you want better SEO and higher rankings on Google tweaking your pages might help, but "links in" from an industry leader like Dentalcompare will really make a difference on your search relevancy and search strategy.

What sets online advertising apart?

Some of the things to consider when advertising with Dentalcompare—in contrast to print advertising, direct mail and trade shows:

* 100k active buyers per month
* Product listings with lead generation system
* Measurable campaigns
* Vendor center with private login to track your campaigns
* Direct email, optin emails (12k)
* Weekly newsletters (88k/month)
* World class editorial
* International reach
* New product profiles
* Product showcases
* Video and webinar solutions
* User content (case presentations)
* Peer to peer product testimonials
* 150k visitor sessions per month
* 100k unique visitors per month
* 600k page views per month

Why Dentalcompare?

What is the return on investment for print advertising? $6k for one print ad in an industry publication may get you some branding. But the passive reading of a magazine hardly get's the undivided attention of the reader let alone sales leads. Reader service cards simply don't work. And if you actually get a lead from a print pub, how qualified is it? Direct mail might be slightly better with a .5% response rate--if you include a promotion of some kind. Print and mailing costs drive the price of direct mail way up. A simple print piece may cost 50 cents per piece even if you do a large print run to keep the per piece costs down. On a 10,000 piece mailing you might get 50 responses. At a $5k production and mailing cost, the cost per response is close to $100 dollars per lead. We know that trade shows work well--if you are willing to spend $20k in booth fees, setup, and travel costs. You might get 200 leads from a trade show which translates into (again) $100 per lead. While a simple marketing package ($500 per month) on dentalcompare may cost you only $10 per lead--including full contact leads, click-throughs and buy now leads. And these are qualified dental professionals that are active buyer's. We push your products out to our dental professionals through our 88k newsletters per month or our optin lists which is 12k stong--this type of marketing guarantees a great response. After all, Dentalcompare is an online "buyer's guide." So individuals are already predisposed to learning about new products and requesting more information to buy the products. If you have an ecommerce platform, Dentalcompare ties directly into your site, creating purchases on your products. Its a new era for dental marketers. Online listings and advertising will get you the best return on your investment bar none.

Win Win Opportunities

Dentalcompare delivers win-win opportunities to put our products in front of interested dental professionals: high quality leads, contextual exposure, and a team that looks out for my company at every turn. Add to that, added horsepower for our SEO, and it is easy to see why Dentalcompare is a key ingredient to our marketing mix.
Maureen Sullivan
Director, Marketing & Sales
Isolite Systems

Unique Online Shopping Experience

Dentalcompare provides a unique online shopping experience for dentists that has broadened and strengthened our presence on the Web. Dentalcompare’s focus and understanding of our unique advertising needs, coupled with outstanding service, is a key selling point to us.
Andy Jensen
Director of Marketing

Solid Results

We have many options when it comes to placing our advertising budget in the dental market. However, we’re really interested in a fairly small percentage of the market. Dentalcompare has provided me with the perfect vehicle and menu of services necessary to cost-effectively and efficiently reach my intended audience. Not only has the Dentalcompare team produced solid results for us, they’ve been an absolute pleasure to work with.
Jim White
Senior Product Manager

Highly Qualified Leads

As a Marketing Department, our major objective is to fuel the sales force with highly qualified leads. Dentalcompare has been instrumental in increasing our lead volume throughout our different business divisions. Not only have the leads increased, but the quality of the leads that come in through Dentalcompare are solid, and often turn into a sale.
Paul Tucker
Director of Marketing
KODAK Dental Systems

Information is King, the online buyer’s guide for dental professionals, provides your office with product and service information, all online and in one place. This is a new service provided by dentists for dentists. You no longer need to search through catalogs for products now that this service is accessible to you 24 hours a day without cost or registration. Online at dentalcompare, you will now be able to find quickly the products for your practice, and you can focus on treating patients with the time you save.
Louis Malcmacher DDS, FAGD
Dentistry Today, July 2006

One Stop Information

Dentalcompare is a free, online dental-product buyer’s guide, but it is also a one-stop resource center for articles, dental industry news, product reviews, journal updates, and e newsletters...the site was designed by dentists, for dentists to provide product information and resources with click-of-the-mouse efficiency.
Dental Practice Report, January 2006


Most importantly, the Internet is available 24/7, and allows the user to research and learn on their own time. Dentalcompare visitors are in purchasing mode, and interested in learning about the latest technologies and services to implement into their practice.

Trackable Results

Online advertisements allow you to track exactly who is seeing your ad, how much time they spend looking at your products, and which products are more popular; they even gather contact information from people interested in hearing more about your products.

Cost Effective

Dentalcompare’s cost per lead ranges from$5 to $40. This is much less compared to the hundreds to thousands of dollars spent per lead at tradeshows or in print publications. Online advertising allows you to reach a large audience without investing a lot of resources.

Online Marketing on the Rise

Online advertising is on the rise. A Jupiter Research study conducted in August 2006 estimated that online ad spending in 2006 will be 21% higher than last year, and will reach $25.9 billion by 2011. Why is everyone switching to advertising online?